All About Feature Cards

One [more] small thing to make your listing shine.

Your listing has many compelling features – some are self-evident, but others are hidden like heated floors, recessed speakers or radon mitigation for example. We create designer Feature Cards (also known as “Call Out Cards”) for you to place in strategic points throughout your listing to help highlight unique features that may otherwise go unnoticed by buyers and agents. And the good news is you can install these with simple double-sided tape and they’ll look great!

Here is an example of what Feature Cards will look like – they are about the size of a medium sized postcard:

To get started, fill out the form below and our transaction team will get to work
creating the Feature Cards for your new listing for you to install!

Your Name(Required)
Address of Your Listing(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Below where you will enter the verbiage for each Feature Card you want created. You can create up to 20. It's best to keep each card as simple as possible with as few words as possible.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.