DFY Social Media Graphics
Social media is a powerful resource to promote both your LISTINGS and your SELF in a classy way.
Love it or hate it, social media is one of the most powerful ways to stay present, available and top of mind. Imagine your entire network (also known as your “sphere”) is at a party…many of them are thinking about buying or selling at some point in the future. Would you want to be at that party?
Good news – at Thrive, we get you all dressed up and looking sharp to go to the party! In other words, we create Done For You
social media marketing pieces when you have a Just Listed, or when you have a Just Sold (sellers & buyers too).
But, here’s the catch – you gotta go to the party. In other words, you gotta post what we create for you.
In short, we don’t want to spend time and energy creating graphics for you if you’re not going to use them…
that’s kinda like creating the Mona Lisa and then putting it in a closet.
Ok, ok, that’s a bit dramatic. But you get the point.
If you REALLY plan to post the graphics we create,
fill out the order form below and we’ll get to painting a masterpiece for you!